Nurturing Democracy and the Freedom of Medical Choice
The Vital Interplay of Medical Freedom and Free Speech in France
The global discourse around healthcare and individual liberties is experiencing a seismic shift, and this time, it’s happening in what was arguably one of the greatest democracies in the world - France. If you see a relentless campaign in the next few months to demonize alternative medicine, don’t underestimate the pull of multi-billion-dollar pharma companies.
In the tapestry of democratic values that weaves the fabric of our society, two threads stand out -- The right to choose our medical destinies and the freedom to express our thoughts without constraint. These bedrock principles, often taken for granted, form the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving democracy.
Simultaneously, the corridors of free speech echo with debates across social, political, and scientific landscapes. As diverse perspectives clash and converge in the marketplace of ideas, the right to express oneself becomes a linchpin in a vibrant democracy. The French medical establishment has placed medicine at a crossroads where even the most fundamental principles of open discourse are being tested and strained. As with many socialistic democracies, a government can be democratic when it desires, as well as communistic on other issues.
Recently, the governmental arm of French medical doctors, the L’Ordre des Médecins (Order of Physicians), has taken steps to wipe out the intricate tapestry woven by the importance of freedom of medical choice and free speech.
On June 2021, the Order of Physicians stated that they were banning several alternative medical practices: acupuncture, aromatherapy, auriculotherapy, ayurvedic medicine, chiropractic medicine, colonic therapy, concierge medicine, cupping therapy, family constellation medicine, energy medicine, fasting for therapeutic purposes, fetal stimulation, holistic medicine, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, kinesiology, magnetic therapy, naturopathic medicine, mesotherapy, plant medicine, Osteopathic, specific psychotherapies, percutaneous hydrotomy, silver therapy, vibration therapy, and many others.
They even went as far as to say anything labeled “mind–body–spirit” is not considered medicine. Their reasons for their actions in the document are that there are “no studies” supporting these practices, there’s a chance of patient harm, they aim to protect the term doctor, and finally, they fully admit they want control of medical information.
In France, the “L’Ordre des Médecins” is an independent regulatory body that oversees the medical profession. It’s an administrative authority responsible for ensuring physicians’ ethical and professional conduct, much like the state board of medicine in the US. The primary objectives of the Order of Physicians include:
Medical Ethics: The Order establishes and enforces a code of ethics for physicians, outlining the principles and standards of professional conduct that doctors are expected to adhere to.
Registration and Licensing: The Order is involved in the registration and licensing of medical practitioners. Physicians must be registered with the Order to practice medicine legally in France.
Disciplinary Actions: The Order can investigate complaints and misconduct allegations against physicians. Suppose a doctor is found to have violated ethical or professional standards. In that case, the Order can take disciplinary actions, ranging from warnings and fines to suspension or removal from the medical register.
Continuing Medical Education: The Order promotes ongoing professional development and continuing medical education for physicians to ensure that they stay abreast of medical advancements and maintain high standards of competence.
Representation: The Order represents the medical profession interacting with government bodies and public institutions. It serves as a voice for the interests and concerns of physicians.
Medical professionals must pay attention to certain aspects of medicine to safeguard patients. Informed consent is crucial, involving a detailed explanation of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the patient. At one extreme, we want to avoid a healthcare professional telling a patient that he or she can heal their pancreatic cancer using only acupuncture. But if a patient wants to include acupuncture in their armament of batting cancer, then they should be able to choose that. This is central to medical freedom and choice.
What’s the big deal if the board of physicians decides to control some of these non-standard medical practices for patient safety? The concern arises when medical boards attempt to control alternative medical practices. If patients aren’t being harmed, these medical techniques are the patient’s choice.
In France, the Order of Physicians has gone as far as to suspend the licenses of medical doctors and nurses who practice any of these medical specialties, regardless of the agreement between the physician and the patient. This has evolved into a freedom of medical choice and free speech issue.
I interviewed Dr. Bernard Guez, the doctor who developed percutaneous hydrotomy, which is an extension of mesotherapy to treat musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis and migraines. In the example of percutaneous hydrotomy (which I’ll write about in the future), the Order of Physicians rounded up 34 medical doctors and suspended their right to practice medicine for three months to 3 years. This decision and their actions weren’t based on patients’ complaints; no patients were injured, and physicians didn’t coerce patients into trying percutaneous hydrotomy. Instead, it was “their opinion” that no studies supported the benefits and safety of percutaneous hydrotomy. And one doctor (a hematologist) “felt” there was a theoretical risk of infection with the procedure.
Every decision by the medical board was based on their opinions and nothing more. Numerous studies support the practice of percutaneous hydrotomy, which is just an extension of mesotherapy for treating musculoskeletal pain. The practice has been around for over 40 years. Millions of patients have benefited from mesotherapy and percutaneous hydrotomy. Thousands of patient testimonials have been documented benefiting from percutaneous hydrotomy.
However, the French Order of Physicians deemed it necessary to strip physicians of the right to make a living and support their families. In the US, state medical boards can be strict and vicious but rarely suspend a physician’s medical license unless there’s a legitimate reason. Although California recently passed laws to punish doctors who spoke misinformation, it was quietly dismissed in another bill and ominously never brought up again.
What happened next was that the French newspapers quickly collaborated their efforts, spouting the dangers of percutaneous hydrotomy and other alternative medical practices. In addition, the Order of Physicians has started the meme #NoFakeMedicine on X (Twitter) and now have a group of cheerleaders denouncing anything they believe is fake medicine without due consideration of the numerous supporting studies for percutaneous hydrotomy and other specialties. They refuse to consider the hundreds of patient testimonials describing that percutaneous hydrotomy is a safe and effective procedure that helps patients. By no means is percutaneous hydrotomy (or anything else) a miracle, but it’s complementary to other medical techniques. And there are plenty of studies supporting its use.
After thoroughly reading the articles (in French) concerning the percutaneous hydrotomy situation, I also examined the Order of Physicians stance on alternative medical techniques like percutaneous hydrotomy and that they are intent on dismantling alternative and complementary medicine. The mainstream media, conveniently echoing the Order’s stance, copied and pasted their articles about the founder of percutaneous hydrotomy, Dr. Bernard Guez, and others.
The actions of the Order of Physicians are moving France back into a tyrannical government resembling Marxism. This situation concerns not just percutaneous hydrotomy, but medicine in general. I feel that we are back in the times of the monarchy, listening to tyrants and following directions, walking contently to the guillotine.
Central to this issue is the erosion of free speech, which is the bedrock of a free society. It includes the right to be wrong and express offensive thoughts publicly and privately. People who cannot say what they think are forced into a shadow world. Either they give up the right to have their views and accept what the government tells them. Or they keep their views but no longer admit them in public.
The same reasoning goes for freedom of expression. A society that’s unable to choose what happens to their bodies becomes slaves of the state. Free people who cannot openly choose are forced to seek the treatment they desire in the shadows of underground medicine. This echoes the state’s ban on abortion for many decades in France.
The other result of the suppression of free speech and choice is the relationship with the physician. The patient-physician relationship is sacred. What you say to your physician is between you and that physician. When this is taken away, physicians cannot speak freely or perform those medical procedures that may be right for the patient. We saw this happen during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unless a treatment was deemed okay by the government, it was taboo to even talk about other therapies. Years later, we see that many of those treatments help infections, at least in some manner.
No matter what the French government thinks about specific medical procedures, it’s not their place to ban procedures, take away a physician’s ability to practice medicine, or restrict the free speech and choice of the patient-physician relationship. Instead, keep patients safe and informed. If the French government doesn’t want to pay for these alternative medical procedures, that’s another issue and certainly within their rights. But to take draconian measures of stripping the ability of physicians to practice medicine in the absence of malpractice, patient complaints, or patient harm is beyond comprehension.
It’s time to send a message to the Industrial-Medical Complex and their collaborators in the corrupt media who take the majority of their advertising from Big Pharma to leave us alone. We’re more than capable of trying therapies and taking risks after informed consent if we choose. No one, especially the government, should be allowed to tell us what we can and cannot do with our bodies. Our bodies are our choice, right? We must demand our right to try alternative therapies that might heal us. Protect freedom, protect choice, because free speech is the only thing the oppressed genuinely have.
Full disclosure, I have been trained in percutaneous hydrotomy and I wrote a book called Stopping Pain which will be out soon!