Spot on Johnathan! . . . I've been following this story for the past 20 years via my friend, Bruce Labelle, who has recently retired as the Lab Director for the California Department of Toxic Substance Control so everything you say here reconciles with what Bruce has said to me regarding the plethora of xeno-estrogen exposures humans have . . . and add to that the exposures from other chemicals which are not obvious, like brominated flame retardants which are in the foam of new furniture, bedding and automobiles, just outgassing away with the Phthalates in the vinyl and plastics! Crazy times we are living in and it is our own hand at work.
Spot on Johnathan! . . . I've been following this story for the past 20 years via my friend, Bruce Labelle, who has recently retired as the Lab Director for the California Department of Toxic Substance Control so everything you say here reconciles with what Bruce has said to me regarding the plethora of xeno-estrogen exposures humans have . . . and add to that the exposures from other chemicals which are not obvious, like brominated flame retardants which are in the foam of new furniture, bedding and automobiles, just outgassing away with the Phthalates in the vinyl and plastics! Crazy times we are living in and it is our own hand at work.